Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April Update

Yet another "older" blog that I never got around to launching since I was swamped with work preparing for the marathon after I got the "OK To Run" from one of my doctors. First, I will get the update stuff out of the way.

Since I was not working out as much as I was used to due to my calf injury, I fully expected this to be the first month that I actually gained weight. I really wouldn't have a problem with a small increase since I was actually below the weight my doctor had suggested back in June (165). Also in my favor was the fact that I had reprogrammed my mind to eat healthier. Below are some pictures of me on April 7th.

I am going to end this post here so that I can move on to the Final Video blog that I have meaning to put since I created it. Thanks for reading.


DATE: April 7th WEIGHT: 163.6

After I took the above picture I decided to add a picture of me in my running gear and then I created a quick gif between my first picture in June 2008 and a new picture in my running outfit also taken on April 7th. It seems to do a good job of showing my transformation over the last 10 months although the morph I have on my website (www.RFME.org) is much better.

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