OK so it's now January 31st and I just realized that I have not posted a January update. I might as well file for an extension for my taxes as well as I know what is going to happen come April so I might as well as face the inevitable. That said, I did update my website, www.RunningForMyExistence.com in a timely manner (January 7th or 8th I believe) so maybe there is some hope for me...
In case you didn't see my updated website, here is a paste of the information I posted there that gives a pretty good update on what has transpired in the last 7 months:
To the left are two pictures: The 1st one was taken on 06/07/08, I weighed 276.7 pounds and had just walked 3 miles, which took me 1 hour and 10 minutes to complete. I tried "running" but had to stop after ~10 yards as I was out of breath and my shins and knees were killing me. I seriously wondered whether I would ever be able to run 1 mile, let alone 26.2 miles.
The 2nd picture was taken 7 months later on 01/10/09. I weighed 175.0 pounds (a total loss of 101.7 pounds in 7 mos) and I just finished running 14 miles, the majority of them on the Boston Marathon route. I wasn't exhausted and every part of my body felt fine. It took me 2 hours and 26 minutes.
Hmmm, unfortunately, I can't seem to get the flash files to load here so here are some quick new gifs just like I did for the October update. Let's try these:
As far as my weight, a lot of people have told me to stop losing weight and at this point, I am really not concentrating on losing anymore weight. I have completely changed my diet to a healthy one that includes more fruits and vegetables in one week than I would have eaten in one year before I started this. In addition, I continue to take multiple vitamins and supplements and drink at least eight (8) 20 ounce bottles of water a day. For the most part I have cut out all fast foods and sweets like ice cream, candy and other food items that I ate on a daily basis. That said, when I do go out with Mary or socialize with friends, I will eat whatever is offered, but just not as much as I used to, which was usually enough to feed a small family.
As I now point out to everyone that asks, losing weight was only a means to an end and frankly my ultimate goal, and the one that I am constantly focusing on, is to run and finish the Boston Marathon and raise money for Julia. Don't get me wrong, losing the weight is an incredible and extremely welcome result of my training. But I have discovered that setting a goal of "losing weight", which is one that I have held ever since I was told "husky" when asked what size pants I wore when I was 11 years old, has obviously never worked for me.
Realistically, I don't really plan on losing any more weight but I suppose the body will do what the body needs to prepare me to run 26.2 miles. And in that regard, I am now concentrating on improving my endurance more and more each week, especially with only 78 Days, 12 Hours and 30 minutes to go at this point. Tomorrow, I will run 16 miles nonstop and I am confident that my body will be able to withstand the distance. Assuming no additional injuries or snowstorms getting in my way, I will run 17 miles the following week and so on and so on.
Well I need to post this before the clock strikes midnight so I will end it here. Thanks for reading and have a happy Superbowl Sunday!
DATE: January 7th WEIGHT: 175.0